Zuly Explores it All

An extremely indoorsy person goes on a journey to learn about all the cool stuff life has to offer.

I believe adventure is available to you no matter your location, fitness level, or what your body looks like. I hope my journey inspires you explore the countless beautiful places the world has to offer.


My name is Zuly and I am quintessentially indoorsy. I like showers and soft beds and have always feared the unknown. I’m fat, gay, and disabled. In 2020 I realized just how much I was missing by limiting myself to indoor hobbies, but I was scared to go out and explore as someone who doesn’t conform to the typical "outdoorsy" profile. I love natural beauty and night skies. I love fresh air and landscapes. I knew I needed to push aside all my insecurities and start learning about the outdoors to experience everything that nature had to offer and that's how Zuly Explores it All was born.

ZEIA T-Shirts

Seen me with an Indoorsy shirt on and wondered where you can get one? You're in luck! Click below to grab your favorite style and color.

Product Recommendations

These are some of my favorite products for exploring the outdoors.

National Parks Visited

In 2021 I made a goal to visit every National Park in 5 years. Below is a checklist of the ones I've visited so far!

  • Grand Canyon

  • Yosemite

  • Sequoia

  • Kings Canyon

  • Acadia

  • Joshua Tree

  • Death Valley

  • Congaree


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